旅游指南 San Francisco's Mission District Murals | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩


The Mission District is an outdoor art gallery full of vibrant murals depicting themes ranging from cultural heritage to social-political statements.

在贝博体彩app,我们把这座城市当作画布. 这一点在中国表现得最为明显 任务. 在这附近, you'll find a collection of striking murals that chronicle decades of the activism, 创新, and cultural diffusion that makes San Franciscans proud and sets our city apart in the world.

Follow our guide for exploring some of 任务's most astounding murals. We've also given you tips on which other local landmarks are worth a visit, as well as where to sample some of the neighborhoods most enticing food and drink.


Between 24th and 25th streets and Treat and Harrison streets
Murals first appeared along 温和的小巷 in the mid-1980s as an expression of outrage over human rights violations and political corruption in Central America. Today, themes have expanded to include gentrification and government injustice.
如果你想寻找更多的艺术和文化 拉丁美洲艺术文化中心 就在几个街区之外吗. Along with a collection of exhibits, they offer a number of workshops in theater, 音乐, and 跳舞.


Between 17th and 18th streets and Mission and Valencia streets

Inspired by 温和的小巷 and other murals around the neighborhood, 号角巷 以社区和艺术活动闻名. This collection of murals reflects a variety of artistic styles and often depicts themes of social inclusiveness. 自1992年以来,已经创作了700多幅壁画, 谈到社会关注的社会问题, 经济, 环境正义.

想要看到同样鼓舞人心的景色,可以去参观 多洛雷斯教堂公园, where the sloping hills offer the beautiful sight of downtown's skyscrapers rising above the park's green grass and 任务's neighborhood homes. 伍兹Cerveceria, a nano brewery best known for its craft beer and sweet and savory empanadas, 当你在当地的时候也值得一游.



The Women’s Building is internationally recognized for its MaestraPeace Mural, 哪个奖项是为了表彰女性对艺术的贡献, 科学, 以及全世界的社会公正. 画于1994年,横跨两面墙, 这幅壁画是多元文化的产物, multi-generational collaboration between seven women artists.

If collaboration is what you're after, then venture a few blocks down to 懒熊, one of the most sought-after dining experiences in San Francisco, or 好好文化俱乐部, if you're in the mood to explore east and southeast Asian cuisine with a California twist.

丰富多彩的, large-scale mural covers the side of the Women's Building in San Francisco's Mission District.
The murals that cover the Women's Building (18街3543号 #8) are a true masterpiece.


24日圣. 和南凡尼斯大街.

被称为“使命的金色梦想”,” the 狂欢节壁画 located above the House of Breaks on the corner of 24日圣reet 和南凡尼斯大街nue is an impressive 24 feet tall and 75 feet wide. Originally painted in 1983 by muralist Daniel Galvez—with the help of local artists Dan Fontes, 基斯Sklar, Jaime摩根, 爱德华多•皮, and Jan Sheild—the painting depicts the energy and spirit from the city's first Carnaval event in 1979.

保持 彭妮罗马 当你在那片区域的时候要注意. Their 意大利 cuisine makes for a great spot for an evening dinner.

Precita Eyes壁画艺术和游客中心


Many people looking to explore the local murals come to the Precita Eyes壁画艺术和游客中心. It’s no wonder why; this community-based non-profit is filled with works by local artists and offers self-guided and guided tours that cover the murals' history, 文化和历史意义.

If you visit this mural, you're also in for a sweet treat. 就在街对面 汉弗莱·斯洛科姆冰淇淋, a Mission District favorite scooping unique and seasonal flavors since 2008.

苏珊·塞万提斯,Precita Eyes的创始人


Learn from the residents and business owners of 任务 about why this neighborhood is the heart of the city.


The 金门大桥 at sunset with a multicolored sky and the San Francisco Bay in the foreground.


第一个知道即将到来的活动和节日, 新餐馆, 特殊交易, 以及海湾边的城市里发生的一切.